Wellness Group Meetings
Members of Student Services are hosting 4 lunch and learn sessions to provide students with tools/strategies to help you manage through the ups and downs of high school life. All students are welcome either via zoom or in-person.
Dates/topics of the sessions are:
- 4/21 – How to make stress your friend
- 4/28 – Increasing positivity
- 5/5 – Gratitude/Mindfulness
- 5/12 – Personal Relationships
The sessions will run from 11:45 – 12:15pm during the universal lunch period via zoom or in-person. If you want to attend in-person, please go to room B104. If you want to attend via Zoom, click HERE.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Student Services
Late Start Proposal
On April 14, D75 and D120 conducted an informational webinar on a Start of the School day proposal. For Mundelein High School students, this proposal would start school at 8:40am each day and reduce the morning and afternoon wait time for bus transportation for students. The recordings of the informational webinars are accessible through the link below.
In addition, MHS is interested in hearing from parents/guardians regarding this proposal. Below is a link to a Parent Survey. The survey will take 5 minutes or less to complete and a link to the survey is listed below.
Start of School Parent Survey – English
Start of School Parent Survey – Spanish
Finally, on Wednesday, April 21 @ 6pm, MHS will hold a school specific Question & Answer session. Please use the link below to access this meeting link.
Mundelein High School – Start of School Q&A meeting link:
Passcode: 052985
College & Career Center
College Representative Virtual Visits have concluded for the remainder of the school year! Visits will resume in the Fall
College Scholarships College scholarships for Seniors are in full swing, so be sure to catch up on any of the scholarships that are being offered through Naviance.
CollegeBoard BigFuture Days
CollegeBoard’s next Virtual College Fair, BigFuture Day Midwest (Virtual), will happen on Sunday April 18, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm. BigFuture Days Midwest | College Board. To get more information, click the link below.
When: Sun, April 18, 2021 3pm – 7pm Virtual presentation
Click HERE to register.
Counselor Contact Information |
Financial Aid Assistance: Don’t forget, MHS has a wonderful representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission who is happy to help you work through your financial aid questions! Reach out to Alexis any time, or connect with him on Wednesday during his dedicated MHS hours! You can find Alexis’ information in the Virtual CCRC or by using the link below.
Remember, if you have questions at any time you just have to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Rusk, our College Counselor, and we can connect via Zoom to talk through any questions or concerns you may have!
Summer sports: Visiting other schools sporting events. As schools open up their restrictions for visiting fans, we have found, every school has different rules. Please call the high school you are interested in attending and they should be able to tell you their rules/restrictions/regulations. Thank you.
Summer sports registration is still open. Follow link to register for B/G Track, B-Volleyball, B-Tennis, B/G Lacrosse, G-Soccer, Softball, Baseball and Wrestling.