We are very busy here at MHS, making our way through Semester 2 and working hard to ensure each student’s success!
“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
― Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
In partnership,
Alexandria Rios Taylor
847-949-2200 x1230
MHS 2023-2024 Registration is Now Open
Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Information can be found on our registration page.
5 Essential Survey
Mundelein High School parents and guardians,
School District 120 is participating with the Illinois State Board of Education in the 2023 statewide survey of school climate and learning conditions. This is your chance to provide input concerning your child’s education. We value your opinions about the operations of Mundelein High School.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey provides a unique opportunity for students, teachers and parents to have a voice in improving their schools. The surveys are available now through Friday, March 31. Please use the following link to complete the survey:
Link to survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
Opens Jan. 24, 2023 and closes March 31, 2023.
We will take all of your input seriously and use it to continually review and update our current educational practices. Results will never be connected to your child. No individual will be identified in the school reports and teachers and administrators will not see individual responses.
The survey is administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago and provides a comprehensive picture of a school’s organizational culture in an individualized report measuring the five essentials critical for school success:
Effective Leaders
Collaborative teachers
Involved families
Supportive education
Ambitious instruction
The survey results will be sent to District 120 and will be included in the Illinois State School Report Card next fall.
Thanks, in advance, for taking part in this important survey.
Black History Month
Black History Month is celebrated February 1-28 and it is a time to acknowledge key African American figures from the past and present. Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans and honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history. It is also an opportunity to spotlight and celebrate the achievement, triumphs and successes of the Black community.
To learn more, click here.
Student Recognition
Congratulations to Alex Torralba on his “Best Male Soloist” award at the Great River Show Choir Invitational on February 18!
The past two days have been fantastic for our Jazz Ensemble students. On Wednesday night the students performed at the iconic Jazz Showcase in Chicago and heard the Bob Lark Alumni Big Band. Then on Thursday, the Jazz Ensemble was invited to participate in the Elmhurst Jazz Festival with sectional clinics from the jazz faculty at Elmhurst University and additional big band clinics from jazz greats: Terell Stafford, Dennis Mackrel, & Tamir Hendelman.
It's been an inspirational couple of days for our students.
A local high school educator said this about the Mundelein High School performance from Thursday: “(The Mundelein High School Jazz Band) gave what can only be described as one of the best sets I’ve seen a HS band do in a long time.”
Mundelein High School Science Olympiad competition at Loyola Academy on February 11.
The MHS team posted its best showing ever with gold medals in three categories. Overall 13th place finish (30 teams) for Varsity and 9th place (24 teams) for Junior Varsity!
First Place Students
Remote Sensing Nia Buxton, Gwen Alviar
Write It Do It Sara Choi, Sreya Kannappan
Scrambler Michael Nunez, Emilio Garcia
Third Place
Flight Max Keil, Damian Harrison, Gwen Alviar
Trajectory Ciara West, Ava McQuain
Forestry Ciara West, Ava McQuain
Fourth Place
Scrambler Azael Sanchez, Kristina Spada
Staff Recognition
Thanks to our Supported Learning Program team for presenting at the Special Education Conference and teaching other educators about our student based businesses here at MHS.
Class of 2023 Important Information
Seniors, click here to read important information regarding graduation!
Student Life
Common Ground Culture Fair
Come celebrate the many cultures of Mundelein at Mundelein High School's annual cultural fair, Common Ground! Our evening portion is open to the whole community on Friday, March 3rd at 4pm. Common Ground contains booths with cultural artifacts, music, a buffet-style dinner, multiple raffle baskets, and performances ranging from student-played musical pieces, as well as cultural dances. Show starts at 7pm in the auditorium. It's a night you don't want to miss! Bring your friends and family. All are welcome to celebrate Mundelein's diversity with us!
Winter Dance Canceled
Unfortunately, due to low attendance, we will be canceling Saturday’s Winter Dance. Students that paid by credit/debit card will automatically receive a refund. Students who paid cash can visit Mrs. Olson in the bookstore for a refund.We look forward to hosting a successful winter event in the future. Please reach out with questions.
Family Engagement
Members of our Student Services staff hosted a “Family Wellness Night” on Thursday, February 23rd. We were thrilled to connect with families about supporting student mental health at home and at school. Our presentations are linked below and will be posted on the Student Services webpage. If you have questions about this content, please reach out to:
English: Marisa Graham, School Psychologist: mgraham@d120.org
Carly Schwartz, Social Worker: cschwartz@d120.org;
Spanish: Aracely Lawrence, Counselor: alawrence@d120.org
Gwen Lopez, Counselor: glopez@d120.org
Presentation in English: HERE
Presentation in Spanish: HERE
Referendum Information
See below if you would like to learn more information about our referendum, click here for a quick one pager or visit our Facilities Plan website.
Mundelein High School Manufacturing Pathways
Save the date for Maker Faire Lake County
April 15, 2023
College of Lake County
You are invited to build new skills, showcase projects and make connections. There are a variety of ways to get involved with the Greatest Show & Tell event in Lake County.
Gymnastics Coaches Corner
Congratulations to Sophomore Isla Rehm and Freshman Lexie Ede for a spectacular performance at State this past weekend! Isla finished 8th on Beam with a score of 8.975 with two days of flawless routines. Lexie finished 12th on Bars with a score of 9.15 with a strong finish to her season. Way to represent Mundelein ladies! With the majority of the team returning next year, the Mustangs are sure to be strong competitors in the 23-24 season.
Boys Swim/Dive Coaches Corner
Congratulations to Edwin Serrano (200 Free) and Johnny Anno (Diving) who are both headed to State. Best of luck.
Boys Volleyball Coaches Corner
With only one month until Boys Volleyball Season, the countdown has begun!
Tryouts for Boys Volleyball will begin March 6 immediately after school until 6:00 pm in the Main Gym. In order to participate in tryouts, all student-athletes must have a physical on file with the school nurse. Please be sure to register online on the Athletic Department Home page. We are looking forward to the season! Go Mustangs!
MHS Cheerleading is selling yard signs this spring! Support you MHS Student Athlete or customize for your Students activity. Also NEW Senior Yard signs available for your MHS Grad! Online Store Opens Monday February 27 and closes after two weeks. See online store for additional information about pick up of signs and cost. Make sure to order your sign before time runs out. Go Mustangs! Online Store Link
The Foundation
The Mundelein Foundation is seeking new members!
Do you have one night a month to make a difference?
Contact Jennifer for more information on how you can have some fun helping the next generation:
847-987-7955 or brunkow4@sbcglobal.net
Previous Reminders
Our MHS Portrait of a Learner tenets affirm student identity through schoolwide values, expectations and practices.
Dress Code
Although we take great pride in a dress code that encourages self-expression, we do want to remind students of our student dress code policy as found in our student handbook.
Clothing must cover all undergarments (waistbands and straps excluded).
Fabric covering all private parts must not be seen through.
Clothing that depicts, advertises or advocates the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances is prohibited.
Clothing that depicts pornography, nudity or sexual acts is prohibited.
Regular school attendance is required and necessary to develop the academic and intrapersonal skills needed for success. Students are expected to attend each class and be on time. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. If your student is going to be absent from school, please call the Attendance Line 847-949-2200 ext. 1998 (Spanish) ext. 1999 (English) by 10:00 am.
What is Good Attendance?
Our MHS Attendance Committee felt it was important to create a simple and clear visual that students and families can reference to understand our expectations surrounding what good attendance looks like.
Bus Notifications
Would you like to know when your student’s bus is going to be late? For Mundelein bus routes, Lakeside Transportation is using the Bus Bulletin notification system to notify parents and students when there are bus delays and schedule changes. For more information, or to sign-up and start receiving notifications, please visit: www.busbulletin.com/parents (Find Mundelein Area Schools when prompted for a district) *Note - This is managed by Lakeside Bus Company and not MHS.
Technology Use
Students will utilize technology to support their learning in class. Students are reminded to use their Chromebooks and cell phones appropriately at all times. For further information about technology use, please refer to the student handbook located on the District web page - 2022-2023 Student/Parent Handbook
Go Mustangs!
The Principal's Blog: Mustang News is available weekly at