As the Thanksgiving break approaches, I would like to wish everyone in our MHS school community a restful and healthy holiday. Please find ways to enjoy time with your family, rest and relax. It is my wish that each of you will reflect on blessings in your life during this coming week.
Anthony Kroll
MHS freshman creates PSA
MHS freshman Jaxon Wasseluk created this fantastic health public service announcement!
Cameras On...
This fall has brought our school community a number of changes and challenges to overcome as we all work together to ensure students have a meaningful educational experience at MHS. We continue to evaluate our remote learning program to determine what has been effective and what can be improved.
Through the first twelve weeks of the school year, the MHS staff has recognized some of the important characteristics of a successful and productive remote learning environment. One area we have been evaluating is the “camera on” requirement. We feel that requiring student cameras during class will create a sense of classroom community, enhance engagement, and build trust. The use of cameras ensures that students are active participants in their learning. By seeing students during class, teachers will also be able to monitor student engagement and check for areas of confusion. We also believe that cameras may support student self-care and overall wellbeing, as well, as they may be more likely to prepare themselves for the day and establish a space where they are ready to learn.
Starting on Monday, November 30th all students will be required to have their cameras on during their Zoom classes.
Camera Etiquette
What does “cameras on” look like?
Students’ faces should be visible and their cameras should not be pointed to the ceiling or the floor.
Students should dress appropriately as if they are attending school. Dress code expectations can be found in the MHS handbook (Dress Code (Board Policy 7:160).
Students should choose a place to learn that helps them stay focused and engaged.
There are times when students may have to momentarily turn their cameras off. When they need to turn their camera off, they should alert the teacher in a private chat. Acceptable times to turn off the camera:
If they need to talk to someone in their home
While they move to a different location
While taking a restroom break
While getting a snack or drink
While attending to a sibling
Other - determined by the teacher
Students need to follow all school policies for technology use (Internet Use Procedures and Guidelines: Acceptable Use Policy & Board Policy 6:235). Violations of these policies will be addressed by the MHS administration. Students at no time should take pictures of classmates while on Zoom (Disciplinary procedures: MHS Student Handbook p. 53-55).
We are aware that there are individual circumstances for students that would warrant an exception to the camera requirement. If you or your student have a specific reason as to why you do not want the camera on during class, please contact one of the following people:
Peggy Billittier, Administrative Assistant to the Principal
847-949-2200 x1230
Joanna Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal
847-949-2200 x1260
(Spanish speaker)
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal
Mundelein High School
Free drive-through flu shots
The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is hosting free flu shots on Tuesday, Nov. 24, and Dec. 15.
The Care Mobile clinic will be available from 9 am to 3 pm at Carl Sandburg Middle School. Flu vaccines are only available for those between 4 to 18 years of age who are Medicaid eligible or no insurance. Flu shots are open to all of those eligible and not limited to only District 75 and District 120 students.
A registration form must be emailed to Kathy Gouzoules at by Saturday, Nov. 21.
Participants should arrive at least 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment time for COVID screening and temperature checks. Each appointment is expected to be 10 minutes in length.
For assistance or questions, please email Jamie DiCarlo or Kathy Gouzoules
To register, please visit:
Tech Campus
Tech Campus offers many avenues for MHS students to gain dual college credit or certifications prior to graduating high school. The video below is a great insight to Tech Campus programming.
Blood Drive
In years past, Mundelein High School has hosted blood drives to help keep the supply strong in our geographic area. The pandemic which hit last March changed everything but it has not changed the need for blood. Every few seconds someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion to help them survive surgery, trauma, recover from cancer treatments or a blood disorder.
Due to remote learning and social distancing, Mundelein High School will hold a Virtual Blood Drive to take place over a four-week time period from November 16 through December 13. Donors, who must be at least 16 years old, may include students, staff, family and friends.
“Tell your neighbors and friends to donate,” said Justin Hart, MHS Wellness Department Chair and coordinator of the event. “Wear school apparel and take selfies to post on social media,” he said.
Here are the details:
Donate blood at any Vitalant Donor Center (formerly LifeSource). The closest sites are in Gurnee and Lake Bluff. All locations may be found here:
All donors who provide the group code MN07 (or school name) during the screening process at the time of donation will receive a coupon for a FREE large one-topping pizza from Papa John’s and will give the school credit for the scholarship dollars.
Vitalant has responded to the pandemic with many safety measures including temperature checks, social distancing, continuous sanitation of donor-touched areas and the use of masks by donors and staff.
Signing up online is easy. Visit and click “Donate Now” on any page. First-time users should click “New Donor” and proceed to complete the registration
Mention Mundelein High School or the group code MN07.
“Every use of the group code helps MHS earn scholarship dollars through the Vitalant High School Scholarship Program,” Hart explained. “These funds help us with student scholarships here at the school.”
Student Leadership Pie Sale
Help raise funds for Student Leadership - and make the holiday season easy! Market Day is offering holiday pie bundles with big savings! Spend more time with your loved ones this season, and out of the kitchen. Market Day's restaurant quality pies are sure to be the talk of the family meals this season! Choose from one of our Holiday bundles and save!
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Swetha Chandrasekar |
MHS senior Swetha Chandrasekar was recently published in an online Smithsonian publication. She
submitted an article as a result of her connection to the Chicago EYES on Cancer program, an NIH-funded cancer research program at the University of Chicago. Her subject was Our Journey to Mastering Mitochondrial DNA. She is deeply invested in molecular research and hopes to pursue biochemistry and public health in college. She aims to one day become an impactful physician scientist.
MHS sophomore selected for Northwestern Medicine Discovery Program
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Jasmyne Ouimet |
“I’m hoping this program will help me come closer to determining what career I’ll have in the future,” she said. In the short term, Ouimet will utilize the mentors to seek advice for course selection. "I’d like insight from health professionals about which classes would be best for me to take next year as a junior in order to pursue a career in medicine.”
Seven MHS musicians selected for district festival
Seven Mundelein High School Band Program students auditioned and were selected to the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) District VII Bands and Jazz Bands this fall. This honor is usually accompanied by a district festival in November where the top music students from more than 50 high schools in the North and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago come together to make music. This year’s festival will be held virtually this Saturday, November 21, for all music students in the state of Illinois.
The students selected from Mundelein High School include: Natalie Altenhoff, junior, bassoon; Ella Kasamis, junior, jazz piano; Neil Martin, sophomore, jazz alto sax; Leila Moon, sophomore, clarinet; Erich Robb, senior, jazz trombone; Morgan Shumski, senior, jazz bass trombone; and Isabel Sioson, senior, jazz guitar.
College & Career Center
The CCRC is now offering College Counseling Drop in hours starting Monday, November 30, 2020 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until December 16, 2020. Follow the Zoom link below to join us! CCRC Morning Drop In.
College scholarships for Seniors are in full swing, so be sure to catch up on any of the scholarships that are being offered through Naviance.
Also check out our Twitter and Instagram accounts for upcoming events.
As a reminder, if you have not yet done so, please take a moment to review and bookmark the Virtual College and Career Resource Center. (Virtual CCRC)
Financial Aid Assistance: Don’t forget, MHS has a wonderful representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission who is happy to help you work through your financial aid questions! Reach out to Alexis any time, or connect with him on Wednesday during his dedicated MHS hours! You can find Alexis’ information in the Virtual CCRC or by using the link below.
Remember, if you have questions at any time you just have to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Rusk, our College Counselor, and we can connect via Zoom to talk through any questions or concerns you may have!
MHS Statement Regarding Winter Sports:
Based on today's guidance (November 19, 2020) from the IHSA Board of Directors meeting, Mundelein High School will temporarily pause all winter sports, starting tomorrow, Friday November 20th. This pause will be in place until we are informed by the IHSA that we can resume our winter sports season. The Tier 3 guidelines that the State of Illinois is moving to tomorrow, Friday, will shut down Lakeside Lanes, our home bowling alley. Each individual sport/program Head Coach will be sending guidance home to all registered participants for their sport/program/level on Monday November 23rd, 2020. This information will prepare our student athletes for virtual meetings/practices/team building activities during this pause. Our student athletes will be working virtually/remotely with their sport during this pause. We will send more information and guidance as it becomes available.
Statement from the IHSA from Tuesday November 17, 2020
IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson:
“The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) recognizes that today’s announcement (November 17, 2020) by Governor Pritzker will temporarily pause the IHSA’s winter sports season. We remain optimistic that these new mitigations, coupled with the emergence of a vaccine, will aid in creating participation opportunities in the New Year for IHSA student-athletes in winter, spring, and summer sports. The IHSA Board of Directors will meet as scheduled on November 19, 2020, to continue plotting out potential paths for IHSA sport and activity participation through the remainder of the school year. Although representatives from the Governor’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health will be unable to attend the meeting, today’s updated guidance from Governor Pritzker will aid the Board’s decision-making. We have asked Deputy Governor Ruiz and Dr. Ezike to engage with us in the near future, so that we can collaborate on developing a plan to safely conduct IHSA sports and activities as soon as possible. IHSA schools have been exemplary in adhering to state regulations throughout this pandemic and we hope that non-school programs will hold themselves to the same standard as we all put the long-term health and safety of our fellow citizens ahead of short-term athletic competition.