Friday, August 19, 2022

August 19, 2022

Mustang Families, 

It’s been a great first week of classes! It was wonderful to see our buses and classrooms return to “normal” this year. The positive energy was contagious and  exceptional to watch. We were able to end the week with over 60+ clubs and activities represented in our Clubs & Activity fair this morning. It is our goal that every student is able to find a place they belong when they are at MHS! Additionally, you will notice our staff wearing shirts this year that represent our collective belief that each student CAN (sí se puede) … each student can learn, can grow, can improve! Additionally, we are committed to moving forward (adelante) together. With collective efficacy and a commitment to moving onward, we are optimistic about the year ahead. Finally, please take a moment to read through the important information listed below as well as view some of the pictures taken throughout the week. If you have any questions, call the Main Office at 847-949-2200.  


 Alexandria Rios Taylor

 Alexandria Rios Taylor, Principal

 847-949-2200 x1230

Important Information

COVID Guidance 

Continue to report COVID positive cases to the Health Office. Lunchrooms and assemblies are able to return to normal this year. Please contact Mrs. Taylor if certain accommodations are needed during lunch or assemblies. 

Off Campus Lunch 

Juniors and Seniors may leave the building for lunch, as long as they have no service time.  Service time must be completed before they can leave.  Freshman and Sophomores are unable to leave the building for lunch.


Regular school attendance is required and necessary to develop the academic and intrapersonal skills needed for success.  Students are expected to attend each class and be on time.  Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. If your student is going to be absent from school, please call the Attendance Line 847-949-2200 ext. 1998 (Spanish) ext. 1999 (English) by 10:00 am.

Technology Use

Students will utilize technology to support their learning in class.  Students are reminded to use their Chromebooks and cell phones appropriately at all times.  For further information about technology use, please refer to the student handbook located on the District web page - 2022-2023 Student/Parent Handbook


The College and Career Resource Center welcomes you back to school! Please stop by B105 and say hi!  We have missed you all.

Seniors:  A.M. Senior College Kickstart is next week (August 22-25th) in the morning at 7:45am at the CCRC- B105. Don’t miss these presentations!

Monday, August 22nd- Your College Application Timeline

Tuesday, August 23rd- SAT, ACT, Test Optional, or Test Free?

Wednesday, August 24th- Making Your College List

Thursday, August 25th- Use College Visits to Your Advantage!

Register in Naviance today! 

Don’t forget to check Naviance for upcoming events and college rep visits. It’s going to be a great year!

-Mrs. Rusk & Ms. Bogseth

First Day of School 

Club, Sport & Activity Fair 


Previous Reminders

Open House

Save the date to meet your students’ teachers and MHS’ Building Leadership Team on Wednesday, August 31 from 5:30pm-8:30pm. 

Student drop-off and pick-up

Students should enter school through the main entrance or the west entrance. Drop-off and pick-up of students by car occurs only in the east parking lot and stadium parking lot.  Cars that enter southbound off of Midlothian will exit southbound back on Midlothian. Cars that enter off of Hawley will exit on to Hawley.  The west and north parking lots are not for student parking or drop-off/pick-up.  We appreciate your help in maintaining the safety of our auto and pedestrian traffic in and out of the campus.

Underclass Yearbook Photos 

Picture day is Wednesday, September 14. All sophomores,  juniors and any freshman not photographed during orientation will be photographed for the yearbook whether or not the photos are purchased. A retake and senior “yearbook only” day will take place in October.  Access the VIP (Visual Image Photography) ordering instructions here.

Pre-Payment for Student Meals

Mundelein High School partners with Quest Food Management Services, Inc. to provide breakfast and lunch options for our students.  If you would like to create an account so that your student does not have to use cash, please log into Students can then use their ID cards to pay for lunch, if funds have been placed into the account. Directions for adding funds to student ID cards are on the MHS website at under the “STUDENTS” tab on the left side of the home page.

School Fee Waiver/Reduction Program

Mundelein High School offers an application to waive or reduce your child’s school fees.  Eligibility is based on family income per the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.  ALL household members that receive ANY type of compensation (full-time employment, part-time employment, unemployment, alimony, child support, social security, workman’s compensation, etc.) must report the gross (before taxes) income amount.  If you wish to have your child’s 2022-23 school year registration and other fees waived or reduced to 40% of the applicable full fee values, you must submit the application by August 31.  The “Application for School Fee Reduction” will require submission of income documentation.  For more information, visit the website at

Health Requirements for the 2022-23  School Year

Prior to the start of this school year, all 9th grade students must have a completed school health examination (not a sports physical) with a full list of immunizations that show proof of having two (2) doses of the varicella vaccine or documented proof of having the disease (chicken pox) and a dental exam. (Physical and Dental Exams are required for all ninth graders by the State of Illinois). All 12th grade students must show proof of having received the 2nd meningococcal vaccine. All students must show proof of having two (2) doses of mumps and rubella vaccine. (This will show as two MMR’s –measles, mumps, rubella- on their vaccine record). Please check your child’s vaccine records. If a vaccine is needed, provide the nurse’s office with documentation that the vaccination was given.  For updated information, please view the MHS Nurses’ webpage: .

Go Mustangs!
