Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mustang News - November 6, 2020


School Picture Retake Day

Retake day for all classes will be held November 17 from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm in the MHS Cafeteria

Seniors (Class of 2021): Please click on this link for specific information regarding senior portraits. 

Blood Drive

Donate at any Vitalant donation center using the group code: MN07. All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a Free large 1-topping pizza from Papa Johns! This group code also ensures that Mundelein High School receives our Vitalant High School Program Scholarship funds.

College & Career Center

A note about supplemental materials. You have the ability to view what has been submitted (transcripts and letters of recommendation) in Naviance. Oftentimes colleges and universities have automatic email messages that will go out stating that applicants are missing materials. These often go out before the university has had the chance to process students’ files. If you receive one of these messages, please do not panic. If Naviance shows that your materials have been submitted, chances are very high that the university has not yet processed them, but they are there! If you are still concerned, you can always reach out directly to the school for confirmation and follow up with your counselor or teacher if need be. 

As a reminder, if you have not yet done so, please take a moment to review and bookmark the Virtual College and Career Resource Center. (Virtual CCRC)

Financial Aid Assistance: Don’t forget, MHS has a wonderful representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission who is happy to help you work through your financial aid questions! Reach out to Alexis any time, or connect with him on Wednesday during his dedicated MHS hours! You can find Alexis’ information in the Virtual CCRC or by using the link below.

Connect with Alexis

Remember, if you have questions at any time you just have to schedule an appointment with Mrs. Rusk, our College Counselor, and we can connect via Zoom to talk through any questions or concerns you may have!


Boys Cross Country

Congratulations to Nathan Clapp for participating in the IHSA Sectional meet. Nathan finished a great run this year coming in 86th place. MHS is proud of you Nathan!

Nathan Clapp

Girls Cross Country

Coach Rodriguez on celebrating Senior night: My favorite part of the Awards Night is always the Senior Speeches. These Seniors didn’t get the final season they would’ve hoped for, but that didn’t stop them from celebrating positive memories & sharing all they’ve learned from XC. They are an inspiration & we will miss them!

2020 Girls Cross Country - Senior Night

Winter Sports

All athletes who are interested in participating in winter sports, the registration link will is posted on the Athletics website winter sports registration

  • If you are going to play a winter sport, you MUST register. 
  • Parents, please only register one time per student. 
  • Updated physicals must be on file with the Nurse. 
  • If you are not sure of your physical date, please reach out to Susan Lange
  • or call 847-949-2200 x1396

Photos from the Week

Keeping it safe and simple, Dimitra Bousis '24 dones a mask to enjoy her night while taking pictures with some friends on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Bousis said, "My first choice is always my plain black mask because it goes with every single one of my outfits."

On a late night Target run, Celeste Cortes '21 and Katie Cabrera '21 pose for a picture to sport their colorful masks. Cortes said, " Different patterns and designs help display my personality while wearing a mask."

Preventing the spread of Covid-19, Erick Nova '22 takes a picture with a face mask to encourage safety. "I wear this mask because it's got multiple layers, and it covers my entire face."

Keeping up with mask fashion during the pandemic, Alessandra Ruder '23 wears her new favorite mask to leave the house on Tuesday, Nov 2. Ruder said, "My butterfly mask is my new favorite, and it is fun to be able to customize your mask."

Learning new skills during the pandemic, Isabel Sioson '21 made handmade face masks on Nov. 3. Sioson said, "I distributed some to my church, friends, and family." 

Halloween Staff Fun