A weekly principal's blog to share what is happening at Mundelein High School!
Friday, August 13, 2021
Restart, Restore, Reconnect - Welcome Back to School 2021-2022
Welcome Back To School! It has been wonderful to open school this week, bringing our students back into the building! The energy, excitement and joy of being in the presence of each other is on the faces of students and staff alike. It has been a great opening of the school year.
As educators, we are intentional about our work with students. Teaching a new skill, bridging it to known skills while actively working in a social emotional concept like compassion into the lesson. The school year is a time to be intentional about where the direction of the year will go. This is seen in our theme:
Restart, Restore, Reconnect
Restart - a new beginning to a familiar process - We will restart the learning.
Restore - replace something that was lost - We will restore our school identity.
Reconnect - Re-establish relationships / relationships are the foundation - We will reconnect with each other.
We have great things to look forward to this year. We welcome in-person learning and a restoration of our school functions such as community building activities in class, executive functioning supports, social emotional themes and lessons throughout the year while maintaining our focus on racial equity in the education we provide.
Each week, I will create this blog so that you, our families and community, are on top of all the things happening at MHS. I will spotlight recognitions, new stories, events, activities, athletics and news from the College and Career Resource Center. The blog will be sent on Friday each week and I look forward to sharing the great news from MHS every week.
For this week, please enjoy the sights and sounds of the start of the school year!
Dr. Anthony Kroll, Principal
First Day for Staff
MHS staff created Back to School promotional videos for students. Videos were on the theme of 1) what students should be excited about for coming back to school, 2) a community building event that may be done in classes this week or 3) a focus on a social emotional component for the year. Videos were published on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
The World Language Department welcomes students back into the building!
Thursday - First Day for Students - Back to School Assembly
MHS Staff wear neon color Restart, Restore, Reconnect t-shirts for the first day of school!
Science Department sporting the neon colors on first day of school!