Friday, August 20, 2021

Mustang News - August 20, 2021


5:30-5:55 PM        Parent Welcome in Auditorium

6:00-7:55 PM        College and Career Center will be open in room B105

6:00-7:55 PM        Special Education Open House in the District Meeting Room

6:00-7:55 PM        Follow Your Student's Semester 1 Schedule

  • 6:00-6:10 Period 1
  • 6:15-6:25 Period 2
  • 6:30-6:40 Period 3
  • 6:45-6:55 Period 4
  • 7:00-7:10 Period 5
  • 7:15-7:25 Period 6
  • 7:30-7:40 Period 7
  • 7:45-7:55 Period 8


Restart, Restore, Reconnect
As a part of our Restart, Restore, Reconnect motto this year, MHS has taken steps to institute mental health and social emotional learning during the entire school year.  It is very important for all students to learn about wellness and humanity.  This past Tuesday, August 17, your student viewed a presentation about increasing awareness and access to social emotional supports at MHS. Student, family, and staff wellness is of high priority this year, so this is the first of eight wellness-related presentations.

The Top 3 Takeaways and Tips for this month’s presentation include:

  • MHS has a number of counselors, social workers, psychologists, and deans who are dedicated to support student wellness. What does your family do to practice wellness?
  • Every student has a support team. Does your student know who is part of their support team?
  • Check in with yourself often so you know what level of support you need from yourself/others. Who is your student’s go-to person for support?
Slides/Presentation Links:

Exciting news!  Beginning this week, Mundelein High School freshman students began taking the YouScience assessment during their FAM (Freshman Advisory) sessions. We believe YouScience is a great way for students to learn more about themselves, explore high-demand careers that are a good fit for them, and gain a better understanding of how their unique talents are needed in the economy.  Click HERE to learn more about YouScience and what it means for your student. 


Better Communications
With the start of the new school year, the following "buttons" have been added to the top of the D120 Website.

COVID Updates contains weekly COVID data metrics for D120, SHIELD testing information and other helpful COVID announcements.

District Communications contains any communications from the Superintendent, Principals or Athletics.

Daily Student Announcements are listed here by date.  Student announcements will no longer be read aloud during the school day.

The remaining three "buttons" remain active as they have in past years.

Photos from the Week

Each week, I will display photos taken by our students or staff of events that have occurred this week.

Ashley Wolverton- During her first week of school, Caitlyn Ekstrom '23 does experiment stations in physics class on Tuesday, Aug. 17. 

Avery Refka- After a fun back to school art project, French Four students show off their tie-dyed masks in C212 on Wednesday Aug. 18. One student in the photo, Jamie Ketchum '22 said, "I love being in French class because it's a great community."

Jenna Santos- In preparation for the upcoming season, the girls JV volleyball team scrimmage at Carl Sandburg Middle School on Aug. 18.